Monday, August 16, 2004


So I have been reading From Beruit to Jerusalem, by Thomas Friedman, while biking lately...and it has been making me think alot lately.....I tend not to be a very political person, I'm not registered to vote (technically I'm still a resident of MA even tho i have been living in MD for over a yr now) Its long and complicated....and very expensive to become a citizen of MD, so I havent bothered...yet. I think I'm in denial that I live here, Drew and I keep talking about moving somewhere nicer (CA, TX, AZ....see a westwardly trend?) Anyway, I'm getting off the subject here.....
So living with Drew and how he feels about staying current with politics etc has gotten me more interested in politics. Plus when you add in the upcoming election, and all the things happening in the world right now its hard not to be. Usually I try to not think about politics becuase it is pretty frustrating, I mean really, what can we do as individuals....lets be honest, no "great" politican is going to run for president any time soon. It seems like this election is going to whomever is the lesser of the 2 evils. I mean Bush is, well hes Bush...can't speak well, and as a representation of the US hes kinda embarrassing to me.....I don't want the rest of the world thinking that we are all bad orators, and cowboys. But also with that said, I'm not sure how much better Kerry would be, he is afterall a politican.
Here is my problem, if there was no war going on, I would totally be for Kerry, however, we hav def stuck our noses into an ugly one at the moment. And Bush is more of a "war" president....However, I'm not sure that we will ever quite get out of what we have gotten into. People my age living in the middle east do not know what life without fighting is like. Its a way of life for them, losing friends, relatives, and neighbors is a way of life and they seem to have become somewhat complacent with it. They don't strive for education, or the future, they go on suicide missions instead. With that said, our troops are not prepared to win a war like that. Many of them are trying to start families, or become educated. Their purpose in life is not to fight, its to live. They have many other things on their minds, and honestly, that is their weakness as far as this war is concerned. It seems more like the only way to win this war is to nuke them all....or just for us to admit that we dont belong and get the heck out...which isnt going to maybe Bush and his cowboy was might be the best......But then again I think i like Kerry better, maybe we just need someone new, let someone else give the presidency a try.
I would rather it be peaceful, and have Kerry as a president, however, as long as we are at war maybe we need puppet-Bush. But then again there is all his ties to oil companies here and there....ahh its dizzying thinking about all this....
Anyway, I think its time for me to end my rambling...time for me to go put away some laundry, maybe watch some olympics. Actually I think this is the first time I have really watched the olympics (again Drew's influence)

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