Friday, October 01, 2004

Presidential "Thrashing"

Ok, so I watched my first presidential debate on TV last night....Not that I haven't been alive for others, it was just the first time I actually watched the whole 90 min. (drew is really into watching) Anyway, so did anyone else see this? Kerry totally verbally took Bush for a ride! Every good point Kerry made about something the Bush admin did that was somewhat embarrassing, Bush could only retort "well what kind of message would a president that says wrong war, wrong time, be sending the troops, or America." He even said this when Kerry wasn't even talking about the war! On and on ad nausea!
He is such a moron. Its like he just wanted to say "yea well I'm rubber you're glue....Etc" Bush is a TOOL! He had nothing intelligent to say. He made no good points! I was so embarrassed just watching him, however, I do have to say, at least he didn't talk about "nuclr" weapons or fumble any other "difficult" words. So good for him, hes learning to speak at a level above a 5 yr old.
It was so bad, Drew, a usually Bush supporter, seemed to be bending towards Kerry.
Yeah Kerry!!! Vote Kerry 2004!!!

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