Friday, November 05, 2004

"Rachel the Poo, and the Blustery Day"

No, I am not referring to myself as a piece of excrement, doesnt anyone remember the story of Winnie the Poo and the Blustery day? Anyway, thats what I am talking about. Its so windy today, its a beautiful fall day thought, the leaves are all golden and flying all over the place. I was pushed off the road several times, however, today on my run. But the sun felt great and the day has been good.
So I guess I am starting to be ok with feeling so isolated here in MD. I mean who am I kidding, I'm tough broad anyway, I don't need girlfriends ;) hehehe. It doesnt bother me as much as it used to, I still dont like shopping by myself or anything like that, but I have gotten back into my painting much more than I was a few months ago. Don't know why, but something has turned me back onto painting almost daily, provided my painting is dry enough to add to. Which is great. Right now I am in the process of painting a fall scene for my aunt and uncle, however, i am falling in love with it and may have a hard time parting with it.....eeekkk!!
Anyway, time to get to the painting, speaking of painting....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time...getting absorbed in your work. I saw your painting on your web site, looks good. Rick and Cammy will like it.

The weather us here is mild once again, all the snow has melted and I can rake once again...outside smells damp, earthy...I love that smell. I like to do outside yard work when I get home, just to breathe in those ancient smells..enjoy the fall