Friday, June 11, 2010

Trails and tails

So Emmitt and I have been doing some trail exploring lately. There are about 15 miles of trails that are attached to the end of our little road. They wind up and around hills and streams, and are frequented by many bike clubs, neighbors, and running groups.

As the weather gets hotter and hotter many outdoor enthusiasts flock to these wooded trails (the Carolina North Forest) to keep them cool on their walks, runs or bike rides.
Once a week, on the warmest morning, I will take Emmitt. He's great off leash, he either stays at my heels or right in front of me, depending on his mood, and mine. I know the trails nearest our house the best, there are probably about 45 min of running trails, but I wanted to go further the other morning. There is a road that splits the middle of this forest, so Emmitt and I decided to explore the other side of the road yesterday. An hour into the run and Emmitt was wayy behind, and I was wayy confused. The trails aren't marked, and a few of them are small narrow switchbacks up a hill, so it can be very confusing....tho the breeze and nature, and fellow dogs for Emmitt to play with (everyone else who has a friendly dog leaves them off the leash as well) it all kept us entertained for almost 2 hrs. We probably didn't go as far as we could on the road in 2 hrs, but it was fun anyway.

He was, however, exhausted...which was my goal since this weekend is going to be HOT and HUUMID and we aren't going to be out walking and playing in the afternoons when the day is at its hottest. I wanted him to be nice and relaxed, and he was last night, and this morning, and this afternoon...and wait....yup still snoring over there on his pillow!

A typical morning for us is he goes to the bathroom, he eats, he cleans himself after breakfast while watching me make drew's lunch, he follows me up and wait for me to get dressed and brush my teeth etc. Finally, while I put on my sunscreen and hat (he doesn't like the smell so he leaves me alone for this part) He sits by the door and waits, at attention, for our (usually 30min to an hr) morning run....buuut not this morning. I finished with my sunscreen routine and went to the door...NO Emmitt....looked on his pillow, checked his food bowl....he was in his crate, wayy in back, hoping I wasn't going to take him on another long trail run...haha! Guess he learned his lesson! :)

Tomorrow is another day, I'm sure he will be ready to go run again after he gets his recharge!

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