Monday, January 24, 2005

wow its been a long time

hmmm, so its been a really long time since i wrote anything here. What has happened? Xmas came and went, so did new hip is almost healed (keeping my fingers crossed) We had a big (for MD) snow storm here, tho it doesnt compare to what MA got!! Wow thats alot of snow!! Saw some pics of boston common on sunday, people all over the city were xcountry skiing on the streets to get around. Bet thats the first time in a long time people slept without the constant sounds of cars! I'm sure there were plenty of people who couldnt sleep though because they were used to it.
SO anyway, I am applying to Mass art to the Masters of teaching program, we shall see what happens there. I have also been trying to sell my artwork and possibly illustrate some books or something. I don't know where my life is headed, I just hope it goes somewhere soon!

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