Ok, so in the 3 years since I last wrote, LOTS has happened! To start, I no longer live on Appleford Cir, I moved a whole 1 mile away to Groffs Mill Circle. I like the name Appleford better though, Groffs Mill is so hideous sounding...plus everything out here is a "mill" hmm still hate Maryland, it still hasn't grown on me. I have gotten married, changed jobs 3 times, and now have my very own brother in law! However, not everything has changed...still am in love with Drew, and still am in love with painting..it has changed a tad though too.
I was always so fascinated by beauty in nature and colorful fruits and veggies, tho i still am, I have been trying out watercolors lately. susie gave me some great watercolors and some vibrant acrylic paints, and I LOVE them! shes got great taste in bright colors, and im so excited to use them. rather than just paint, i have been doing a little mixed media, painting first, then on tissue paper, drawing with pen and ink, and glueing it to the watercolor, and acrylic over it...rather abstract..but i like it. ive been into looking at home decorator books and magazines and have been inspired by some of the designs on fabric, pasilsy, stripes, even toile which ive never liked before. anyway its interesting...
I am so excited that Drew has finally graduated! I have been so lonely here by myself at night, I mean i always call my mom at night while hes out, but its lonely not seeing anyone really from 8am till the next morning since Drew usually got home after i was asleep...or id try to stay awake to say goodnight...
I am so PROUD of him though. He really has worked so hard! He has put so many hours into studying, reading, writing papers, putting together presentations etc. He has learned so much, and grown so much and gotten many different perspectives on work and life. Much has changed in him, all for good.
As much as I bitch and moan about how lonely its been for him, I really am happy for him in the end. Plus that means, its my turn next! Hmm..interior design school? Art history masters? pastry decorating? we'll see whats to come.
Mostly I am looking forward to many many more years together, still growing up, and moving on with our lives...ever forward. A house perhaps soon? A dog to go with it? ahh what wonderful things does the future hold for Drew and I?
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