Friday, February 13, 2009

Stranger things have happened.

So as I stated in my last blog, its been..well lets just say windy. The siding of the houses have been coming off and the gusts have been up to 65 mph! Needless to say I have been hiding out in the gym for fear of decapitation by cheap metal house siding. Now where I go to the gym I am basically the only little white girl, so the music is ahhh shall we say "ethnic." Nothing I ever listen to, I always wear my headphones when I go so I can block out the pounding of the ghetto music. Until recently....Now I have a very eccletic arrangement of music on my ipod. Thanks to growing up in the 80s and 90s I have everything from Color Me Badd, to Enya, to Flock of Seagulls and lots of "dance" house and techno music. Its happened now 4 times...when I look up from reading or whatever, the music in the gym is the same as the song playing on my ipod...maybe a few seconds off. First time it was the Cars, "you might think," then Color Me Badd "i wanna sex you up," and today Cut Copy...cant remember wich song...but it was does that happen? Usually its like madonna, mariah carey, justin timberlake or lots of pop artists i dont know, and dont care to know that they just strikes me as very very odd.

I did go on a short run today, let my legs and my mind wander. I realize I havent done what really "feeds" everyone knows I like the outdoors, but what I truley love (and part of the draw to AZ) is going out in my car with a map up into the mts or the woods or somewhere realy remote to just explore and go on an adventure. My friends and I used to just go with my wagon (sowe could put the seats down,) food, water, hiking stuff and sleeping bags and drive into the mts and go hiking and swimming and exploring, sometimes fishing....There is nothing better (I think) than going to Colorado and sleeping out under the Milky Way...yes the sky is that clear. I miss those adventures....I mean I'm not a go to a resort and stay at a hotel and shop for vacation kind of girl....I think if Drew came to me and said..."lets just go away to the middle of nowhere Colorado or Montanna and explore" I would drop everything and go in a second! Nature, and the beauty of it just moves me.....I have been known to be stargazing or watching a beautiful sunset over mountains and just cry for the beauty of it....Oh I miss miss miss that...I hate hate hate the city...the archetecture, the streets, the people...Often when I am in teh city I get annoyed and think about how we have ruined the natural beauty of the earth by our ugly cement, cinder, and pavement. I think I am in some serious need of a road trip out west...who's with me (and yes, this means prob no nice showers...) hehehehe

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