Friday, February 26, 2010

Doggie Sleepover!

This weekend we will not have just one cute cuddle doggie, but TWO fabulous cute cuddly doggies here! My favorite little King Charles Spaniel is coming to spend the weekend while his "parents" go away for a little while.

Emmitt met Henry today, I assumed all would go well, and it did...just wanted to make sure. Henry is barely the size of Emmitts head, and Emmitt is not a large dog, hes less than 35lbs. he's just very leggy! haha The only thing I was slightly worried about was maybe he would be too excited for Henry, or just look at Henry's teeny weeny size and assume he was a real live squirrel in our house! haha! We met outside the house, did some side by side walking, then a little butt sniffing, and then went back into the house. I kept Emmitt on the leash so Henry could sniff around uninterrupted for a bit and feel comfortable.

Anyway, should be an interesting weekend, I have always loved doggie sleepovers, though usually its with Ellie or Gatsby, I guess new place, time for a new friend!

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