Since I last wrote, lets see what has happened...we had snow, Susie visited...unfortunately when we HAD snow and our plans were foiled...drat! :)
I started a dog walking business, and it seems to be growing, slowly but steadily. For now I have a few regular dogs, and some, once and a while-ers..
My two fav regulars are Charlie and Henry.
Charlie is an adorable fox-red Lab, hes about 9 mo old. Now you ask what is fox red...its EMMITTS cousin! He is that golden color of Emmitt's back stripe, but he is that color all

Henry is the exact opposite of Charlie, he is a 3 mo old King Charles Spaniel! He is absolutely adorable! Full of puppy energy and enthusiasm! We have a pretty regular schedule, I see him 4-5 days a week for about an hour. I swear, he must be only 4-5 pounds. Hes at an apartment, and is so small I have to carry him down the steps to walk. He squeaks and squeals every time I arrive, and he is happy to go out and run around for 20 min or so...then he always wants to go back in to play fetch (can't really play outside since the grass is almost

I have never met a spaniel so ready to play fetch...he'll play fetch and tug of war for hours if he could! He's great.
In between walkings, I have been repainting the trim in the house, it seems as though they replaced some, or took out rugs or something, and added new trim and didnt repaint it, so I am doing that for my house project for the week.
Finally a good weekend is coming up! 50s and sunny! Not that we haven't had good weekends, but somehow we always seem to get some rain or snow either friday night into saturday or sunday evening...this one is finally 2 clear days of sun and warmth! Looks good for dog walks and hikes outside!
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