Tuesday, August 26, 2008

oh my oldness...?

Oh my goodness, so Drew and I were innocently checking the mail...and there it was, my 10 year high school reunion invitation. 10 years? 10 years? How did I get that old? Well lets see, my youngest baby cousin that was born when I was starting high school, is now himself, going to high school. We are no longer in the same century I was born in...fortunately we all lived past the Y2K think, thank god (tad bit of sarcasm here) I got through college, paid off loans, own my own car, got married, Yup I guess thats where that all went.
Oh well. I guess its gotta happen anyway. I was looking through facebook at all my old class mates, several have 1 child, some have 2 children, and even 3?! WOWZA! Actually I guess its pretty cool. They are all doctors, lawyers, biologists, teachers, artists, techies, and government agents now.
So now the question is...do I dare go? I have been a bad friend, bad alumni...I don't keep in touch, I don't call, and when I go home, I don't get together with anyone. Its funny how for a brief moment at my graduation I realized life would never be the same. I was no longer my parents "monetary burden" anymore. College would be my loans, food would be my bills....and starting a new life in Arizona would be my next job. Admittedly I was scared...but I think more than anything, I was excited! New adventures, new friends, new sights. I mean I was going to be in Tucson...thats a loooong way from New England in more ways than one.
I think once I graduated and that chapeter of my life was over, it really was for me. Life keeps moving forward, and thats all we can do as well. Past memories are nice...but do we really want to go back? No no no! No I don't want to have to live by my parents rules, no I don't want to have to go to 8 periods of classes, no I don't want to go back. It was nice, it was fun, I am oh so greatful for my wonderful childhood. Though I am so much more grateful for my life I have now. Now I can make money, and spend it in the ways I see fit. Its MY money, my hard earned money and thats something greater than anything that could be given to me.
Its also my freedom. Ever since I can remember I wanted that. I started "picking" my car when I was 13. Sitting in the back of our proverbial soccer-mom van, I would imagine I was graduated from college, on my own...free to do whatever I please.
Don't get me wrong, I love love love my family. I am so happy God gave me the parents I have...but i think whats even better is that I know that the help and love they gave me is what got me here. I know that nothing makes parents prouder than seeing their children grow up, move out and succeed with the love and knowledge they imparted onto us. Growing up is scary at times, but I look back and realize I have come such a long way, and it wasn't as bad as I was afriad it would be back at that moment at my high school graduation. I wouldn't change it for the world, and as far as I'm concerned...you can't really ever go home, if you are lucky, you can just visit.
So maybe I will go to my reunion...afterall...I have the best husband in the world now...GOTTA show him off. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.