This afternoon's tea is a mix of green tea and licorice, lemon teas. mmmm
"When you stop living for the past, you can start living for a better future."
"To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach."
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Yogi Tea says...
So I drink this ginger tea every night after walking the dog..It has little sayings on the teabags. Thought I would share.
"you should be thankful for every day there is breath in you."
"True bliss cannot be disturbed by gain or loss."
Now Im gonna go drink and get warm! BRRR!
"you should be thankful for every day there is breath in you."
"True bliss cannot be disturbed by gain or loss."
Now Im gonna go drink and get warm! BRRR!
Mystery Meat Creation
Ok, so we all know I don't eat "meat," Drew calls it my "no hooves policy." I will eat fish and fowl. I.E. many types of fish, most seafood chicken and turkey. I prefer to get my protein ala beans, dairy, tofu and its products.
So Drew decides he misses pot roast. Ok, got that...I admit I totally cheated and bought it premade. However, now we have left overs..what to do with that? Well I know Emmitts votes to let him eat them all...oh my good gracious last night he was so giddy at the smell of it he didnt know what to do with himself...kept racing into his crate and then out again haha!
Anyway so drew got a wrap with rice and pot roast for lunch the other day..that was a hit.
Today we are trying something new. I made a roux with some of the juices from the roast, added onion and potato to it, then the pot roast. Then got out like a whole wheat pizza dough and put it all inside like a little calzone like pocket. I hope my expirament will pass his picky tastebud test!!
If not, I'll give it to the dog! :)
So Drew decides he misses pot roast. Ok, got that...I admit I totally cheated and bought it premade. However, now we have left overs..what to do with that? Well I know Emmitts votes to let him eat them all...oh my good gracious last night he was so giddy at the smell of it he didnt know what to do with himself...kept racing into his crate and then out again haha!
Anyway so drew got a wrap with rice and pot roast for lunch the other day..that was a hit.
Today we are trying something new. I made a roux with some of the juices from the roast, added onion and potato to it, then the pot roast. Then got out like a whole wheat pizza dough and put it all inside like a little calzone like pocket. I hope my expirament will pass his picky tastebud test!!
If not, I'll give it to the dog! :)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hmm what to say..

Funny thing about dogs, they always look so expressive. You can't see it, but his paws are right near the heater, so when he puts his head down his nose will be down the vent..haha
He's not too impressed with the ice outside. Though he has a very good friend now, Ellie. They take walks at night, and play in the afternoons. He saw her this morning when he was going out to do his "thing." Usually he just goes and then wants to come right back in for breakfast! Not today though! He's really good, I let him off the leash now with out worries at the park up the street, he doesnt get too far from me. However, this morning, he was half way up the street, well on his way up to give Ellie a good morning hello sniff...haha! Good thing food always wins over his attention! Ahh to be as simple as a dog, the mere though of food makes his mouth water....literally. Yesterday I was out shoveling Drew's car a bit before I came in to give him breakfast. He had psyched himself up so much for food that when i walked in the door, he lifted his head, and drolled big slobbery lines of spit all over the floor (hes not a drooly dog, I had actually never seen this happen before) Now we play "hide and seek" with his afternoon snacks. He drools for that. He sits and waits in the kitchen while I hide Emmitt food all over the house. Then I say "find your treats" and hes off nose to the floor!
Its just some more Emmittainment!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Get out your ice skates!
Ahh wonderful not only did we get snow, but we got lots of ice on top! I got up at 6:30 this morning, chipped it off our steps, and our walk way...only to find Emmitt couldn't pee because his paws kept slipping out from under him every time he went to squat. So I had to shovel and chip the front yard hahaha! Shoveled him a nice little potty. While I was at it, decided to chip off all the snow from Drew's car. I really needed a pick axe, so much ice on that thing, and solid! I noticed that I was the only person out there, aside from the cop that lives up the street...hmmm curious?
I'm sure every neighbor was groaning to the sound of my metal shovel chipping and pinging off the ice and concrete.
So Maryland shuts down when theres snow with ice on top...interesting...
Derw is up in bed pretending that he wont have a hard time getting out of our parking lot. the plow piled all the snow up behind everyone's cars...and then it iced on stuff!
well one can only hope that spring will be on the way soon...tho that means moving AGAIN!! ahh! We will have to move the end of May or June...last time it took weeks! Hopefully not again, this rental agreement expires in June! We might be moving instead of going to SF :(
I'm sure every neighbor was groaning to the sound of my metal shovel chipping and pinging off the ice and concrete.
So Maryland shuts down when theres snow with ice on top...interesting...
Derw is up in bed pretending that he wont have a hard time getting out of our parking lot. the plow piled all the snow up behind everyone's cars...and then it iced on stuff!
well one can only hope that spring will be on the way soon...tho that means moving AGAIN!! ahh! We will have to move the end of May or June...last time it took weeks! Hopefully not again, this rental agreement expires in June! We might be moving instead of going to SF :(
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Did it snow this much last year?
Hmm, I can't remember.
They salt or chemical the side walks here, think it burns Emmitt's poor little puppy pads. Makes for very short, very stop and go and clean off his feet walks. He is currently wrapped around the heating vent letting the hot air blow his ears.
As for me, my run was a bust, so I decided to shovel out everyone's walk ways and the neighborhood sidewalks. That counts as physical activity right?
On the plus side, Emmitt and I have made friends...her name is Ellie shes a chocolate lab. The girl is Jess. Very nice, very laid back, shes a lacross coach at one of the local private girls' schools. We meet for lunch and evening doggie dates now, Emmitt is very happy to play. I am happy to have a female around from time to time :) She and her husband, joe, live 4 doors down from us. Her husband is currently in grad school, so I remember what its like to be home alone all night...I know she likes having Emmitt and I around to walk with at night.
Sooo back to more snow. I just wish we could get out of this weather pattern. I like when we are in the southernly weather pattern, where the wind comes up from the south, not this pattern where it comes from the north west. All I can do is hope for more sunny days, even though I know they will be cold for another few months...
They salt or chemical the side walks here, think it burns Emmitt's poor little puppy pads. Makes for very short, very stop and go and clean off his feet walks. He is currently wrapped around the heating vent letting the hot air blow his ears.
As for me, my run was a bust, so I decided to shovel out everyone's walk ways and the neighborhood sidewalks. That counts as physical activity right?
On the plus side, Emmitt and I have made friends...her name is Ellie shes a chocolate lab. The girl is Jess. Very nice, very laid back, shes a lacross coach at one of the local private girls' schools. We meet for lunch and evening doggie dates now, Emmitt is very happy to play. I am happy to have a female around from time to time :) She and her husband, joe, live 4 doors down from us. Her husband is currently in grad school, so I remember what its like to be home alone all night...I know she likes having Emmitt and I around to walk with at night.
Sooo back to more snow. I just wish we could get out of this weather pattern. I like when we are in the southernly weather pattern, where the wind comes up from the south, not this pattern where it comes from the north west. All I can do is hope for more sunny days, even though I know they will be cold for another few months...
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Music of my Life
So I can't remember what Drew and I were talking about, but somehow we got into a conversation about music...Oh wait, just remembered how we got into that conversation...anyway, this is a PG how we got there isn't important. I realize I am plugged into music at all times.
As long as I can remember I loved music. I begged my parents at age 10 to get me my own stereo. When I finally was allowed to have one, I put all my saved money into it...My dad said he would match whatever amount I could spare. Now I'm a saver with a capitol "S" I got a good system. I listened on the bus on the way to school, at home doing homework, bus rides to soccer and track, walking to and from college classes, (in some classes as well)...always painting and drawing, and not only listening to music while I did that, but also illustrated things I saw in my mind when I listened to a particular song. Basically I guess I would say that the only time I don't have music on somewhere when I am sleeping, I will even listen sometimes while watching tv, (I know...weird)
heck, I even listen to music in the shower :)
As I sit here, I am listing to my Ipod touch....currently Peter Gabriel's "games without frontiers"
My musical taste has changed, but really only to add more, I listened to this song wayyy back when it came out when I was in middle school.
Its interesting, most people like music...gotta jam to something while working out, or sitting in traffic...but I have discovered not everyone could listen to music all day long no matter what they are doing. My sister Eryn shares this obsession of music with me...Many of my art school friends as well...not Drew, he needs quiet sometimes...not my mom or dad, or Grace, same thing for them...
It makes me wonder if its at all creative/art related or just some people do....?
My parents even bought Eryn and I water proof radios for the shower so we dont electrocute ourselves when we listen.
It kills me not to listen to music...and not just any type of music, I have to have the right type of music for each mood or activity.
Quiet for when I get tired, I can listen to Bach or some other classical music....NIN for my really pissed off moods...techno or dance for my runs or when I paint....sad or angry music when I am upset...
Does everyone else have an immediate association with each song they hear? Every song I hear evokes emotions from every and any time of my life.
Some makes me think of when I was 2 at my dads races....mostly phil collins and the Police...
Some of my grandfather, usually Nat King Cole or Frank Sinatra. I can close my eyes and smell him...aftershave with coffee and cigaretts...hear his booming voice, see their old house, and remember how I used to feel...
Is this the same for everyone?
As long as I can remember I loved music. I begged my parents at age 10 to get me my own stereo. When I finally was allowed to have one, I put all my saved money into it...My dad said he would match whatever amount I could spare. Now I'm a saver with a capitol "S" I got a good system. I listened on the bus on the way to school, at home doing homework, bus rides to soccer and track, walking to and from college classes, (in some classes as well)...always painting and drawing, and not only listening to music while I did that, but also illustrated things I saw in my mind when I listened to a particular song. Basically I guess I would say that the only time I don't have music on somewhere when I am sleeping, I will even listen sometimes while watching tv, (I know...weird)
heck, I even listen to music in the shower :)
As I sit here, I am listing to my Ipod touch....currently Peter Gabriel's "games without frontiers"
My musical taste has changed, but really only to add more, I listened to this song wayyy back when it came out when I was in middle school.
Its interesting, most people like music...gotta jam to something while working out, or sitting in traffic...but I have discovered not everyone could listen to music all day long no matter what they are doing. My sister Eryn shares this obsession of music with me...Many of my art school friends as well...not Drew, he needs quiet sometimes...not my mom or dad, or Grace, same thing for them...
It makes me wonder if its at all creative/art related or just some people do....?
My parents even bought Eryn and I water proof radios for the shower so we dont electrocute ourselves when we listen.
It kills me not to listen to music...and not just any type of music, I have to have the right type of music for each mood or activity.
Quiet for when I get tired, I can listen to Bach or some other classical music....NIN for my really pissed off moods...techno or dance for my runs or when I paint....sad or angry music when I am upset...
Does everyone else have an immediate association with each song they hear? Every song I hear evokes emotions from every and any time of my life.
Some makes me think of when I was 2 at my dads races....mostly phil collins and the Police...
Some of my grandfather, usually Nat King Cole or Frank Sinatra. I can close my eyes and smell him...aftershave with coffee and cigaretts...hear his booming voice, see their old house, and remember how I used to feel...
Is this the same for everyone?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Yea for the sun!

Yea for the sun! Emmitt and I just got back from an hr and thirty min walk/game of fetch in the park. Hes so much happier and to play and calmer when we get play and run around. Love the sun.
On another note, I am now going to be an undergrad student again....I am taking Intro to Asian Art. I figure I can only gain more art history knowledge, cant hurt...and the best is its FREE! Just call me Erin Bell :)
Updated Emmittainment
Well days are getting longer, and thank god...warmer! Or at least for the next few days it will be. Emmitt has found himself a new source of entertainment. He has pretty much figured out how the day will go, with a few changes here and there. So when I start to make dinner, he knows Drew will be along soon. He can see out the door, and can see out the front windows because I usually close the shades part way so people walking by arent looking right in. He listens and can hear people and cars go by, and every time he runs up the steps and looks out the top windows for Drew. Then he runs back down to greet him at the door. He does think whenever either one of us comes or goes. When I go running on the weekends in the morning when Drew is still in bed. I look up at the top windows and theres Emmitt with his little paws up on the window sill looking out at me. I wave, and then I'm off. Its good though, he used to whine when I left, now he knows....I'll be back.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
SOO not fair!
Ok, I know I'm getting pretty whiny now, but comon! its like 1out again. I know January and the beginning of Feb are always the nastiest months, but this is getting ridiculous! Fortunately emmitt is comfortable enough with us now that he doesnt have all that nervous energy like he did when we first adopted him. Hes happy just to sleep in the sun room or at my feet, but he gets pretty excited whenever we try to play. I know he is hoping for summer soon. Lastnight we got outside, we let him out to pee in the yard unleashed, so he can sniff around...then we put on the leash after 5-10 min. so we can walk around the neighborhood. We just barely got it on and walked a few steps when he did his business, and then wanted to go home. Much different from the warm weather when he holds off until its been 40 min into the walk because he wants to go outside and play. Oh summer come soon!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
This Morning's Emmittrainment.
Emmitt hates the cold as much as I. The last few days I have noticed he has been interested the the heat registers on the floor. Yesterday he kept laying on them, and letting the warm air blow his ears up. Today he has realized the cheap ones they have here are not screwed into the floor, so now he digs them up, takes the covers off, and sticks his whole head down the heat vent so he can get the maximum heat in his face...hahah! So funny. Drew kept finding the heat covers off all over the we have found the culperate. Hopefully he will not try to crawl down there and get stuck! The heat is great, glad he's figured out how to stay warm, but don't too excited about the heat source there Emmitt!
Weather not helping my resolution
Well this stupid weather is not helping motivate me. I can't say that the cold gets me, its the cold/wind/ice/snow combo that makes me want to slither off to the gym and forget all about the outdoors. Just like Hil, I too was not expecting snow, same thing..."light flurries" However, I ran hard all weekend and decided to take an easy day at the gym. I always bring books, so I get totally involved in my reading...after a while I looked up, and was shocked to see accumulated snow on the ground!
Last night they salted the side walks, but not the streets?! They didnt even plow?! I dont get it?? The stuff they put on teh side walks burns our dogs feet apparently. We HAD to walk Emmitt...and every dog we passed was picking up their foot limping just like Em. We kept having to stop and brush off his paws so he would lick the ice melt and get sick. It was a short walk.
I am missing my doggie runs, and walks, this weather sucks!
More than that, I am missing my runs...Go away snow and cold!!!!
Last night they salted the side walks, but not the streets?! They didnt even plow?! I dont get it?? The stuff they put on teh side walks burns our dogs feet apparently. We HAD to walk Emmitt...and every dog we passed was picking up their foot limping just like Em. We kept having to stop and brush off his paws so he would lick the ice melt and get sick. It was a short walk.
I am missing my doggie runs, and walks, this weather sucks!
More than that, I am missing my runs...Go away snow and cold!!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
More Emmittainment
So as we all know, winter is cold...our house is older, not well insulated, and pretty drafty. We wear slippers because the floor is very cold. The poor dog has to lay on the floor (per drews rules) and he was chilly this weekend. We tried to tape up all the cracks in the door and windows with some insulation tape, but to little avail. Anyway, so Emmitt has been trying to get onto the couch with me to cuddle and warm up. I have no qualms with it, but can't go against Drew's wishes, so I reluctantly keep pushing him off the couch and get his pillow for him to sleep on ...or I drape my blanket onto him. This sat was espically chilly..
Emmitt was at my feet sleeping on his pillow, and Drew was going out with friends. Drew came and said goodbye, got his coat...and went to the door (Emmitt meanwhile opened one eye and watched this) pretending to be asleep...the minute the door closed and locked, he was up..peeked around the corner, turned around and launched himself onto my lap...SOOO funny. He knows I'm a softie...Cracked me up for a good 5 min, I had to call Drew...hehehehe
Emmitt was at my feet sleeping on his pillow, and Drew was going out with friends. Drew came and said goodbye, got his coat...and went to the door (Emmitt meanwhile opened one eye and watched this) pretending to be asleep...the minute the door closed and locked, he was up..peeked around the corner, turned around and launched himself onto my lap...SOOO funny. He knows I'm a softie...Cracked me up for a good 5 min, I had to call Drew...hehehehe
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A Ray of light in a Place of Darkness
So, after 5 years of rude people, no eye contact, or eye rolling, ignoring me, or only talking to us if something is needed...something so out of the ordinary happened...I think I reacted wrong. I was sitting on the couch last night, having my tea before my shower, thinking about how damn cold it is, and would home depot have more insulation tape so we can insulate more of our doors and windows that are oh so drafty...when knock knock knock...
What? did I hear that right...oh crap, what are we doing wrong now...The last time someone knocked it was to complain that the "for rent" sign was still up in front of our place. Emmitt was OUT he never heard the knock, so i tentatively opened the door...and there were our 4 neighbors. Erin, David, and their 2 young boys (prob under 5 each) The older of the two boys proudly held out some oatmeal raisin walnut cookies they had baked and proclaimed, "welcome to the neighborhood" I was flabbergasted! Did not expect that! I had briefly met them outside one morning letting Emmitt out, and exchanged hellos with Erin.
I asked the boy if he had made them himself, and he said "yes'! "well my mom helped too.." how cute.
Finally Emmitt awoke and decided to come and be the "mean gaurd dog " he is...hahaha he barked, and I had to close the door. I hope I see them again, what a thoughtful thing to the cookies were YUMMY!!
What? did I hear that right...oh crap, what are we doing wrong now...The last time someone knocked it was to complain that the "for rent" sign was still up in front of our place. Emmitt was OUT he never heard the knock, so i tentatively opened the door...and there were our 4 neighbors. Erin, David, and their 2 young boys (prob under 5 each) The older of the two boys proudly held out some oatmeal raisin walnut cookies they had baked and proclaimed, "welcome to the neighborhood" I was flabbergasted! Did not expect that! I had briefly met them outside one morning letting Emmitt out, and exchanged hellos with Erin.
I asked the boy if he had made them himself, and he said "yes'! "well my mom helped too.." how cute.
Finally Emmitt awoke and decided to come and be the "mean gaurd dog " he is...hahaha he barked, and I had to close the door. I hope I see them again, what a thoughtful thing to the cookies were YUMMY!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Fear and loathing in the Mill..
So let me tell you a little story. We moved onto Lockard drive and into a house about a month and 1/2 ago. Usually we are in a condo or apartment on the second floor or higher, so have never really been concerned with break ins. Aboutt a month ago, after having been here a few weeks, we went to take the dog for a walk about 7:30 pm. I'm not going to say names, but someone who is notorious for locking us out (yes we had to go rent a ladder and break into our own condo last summer) locked us out...Crap, we are renting, the agency is about 40 min away, and thats fine...if we had phones or knew the number to call?! So panic insues for a few min. Then my brave "friend" who got us in this conundroum in the first place has a moment of "ah ha!" and runs around the back. Not 5 min later he is opening the did that happen? Apparently our sliding door doesnt really lock, he just pulled hard and it opened...good for us....oh wait, bad for us?! People in our neighborhood are broken into, raped, killed, threatened...and now for the first time, we coudl be too. I tried not to think abo t it that night. Around 3 am, however, I couldnt I got up and tore through the house looking for something to wedge in between the door and the wall. Finally I remembered the plunger and pulled it apart and put that sturdy dowel in the track of the sliding door and tested it myself....phew .....
Lastnight, we were hearing noises again...Now I know my dowel will probably hold firm, but just incase, now that we are open to rapings and pilliagings....he barracaded the door that connects the basement from the kitchen...just in case! How much longer will I get to live in fear of every freakin noise in this "lovely" state?!?!
Lastnight, we were hearing noises again...Now I know my dowel will probably hold firm, but just incase, now that we are open to rapings and pilliagings....he barracaded the door that connects the basement from the kitchen...just in case! How much longer will I get to live in fear of every freakin noise in this "lovely" state?!?!
what the F*!?
Let me just start by saying....8 with a wind chill of -5?! do I walk a dog in that?!?!?? Isnt this why I moved out of MA?! This is the typical winter weather of Westford MA that drove me thousands of miles, and several degrees south to college in Tucson!! Ba Humbug!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Little pupsicle..
I suppose by this time I should edit this blog to include Emmitt in it...
Anyway, funny dog this morning. So he hasnt seen snow since we were last in MA, so he might associate the snow with driving in the car 8 hrs on drugs...But this morning we got a very light dusting, must hav been about 5 am. It was so cold, however, that the snow didnt stick and was that powdery stuff that swirls in the wind. So Emmitt sniffed, and the snow moved, and he jumped....His fur went up, and he kept looking back at me (usually first thing in the morning I just let him out the front door and he does his doggie business) I watch from the doorway. He just didnt want to go this morning, and I could tell he NEEDED to go! haha
Finally after much licking, jumping, and turning circles he eliminated. Phew. Poor guy, I mean its 11 out with the one wants their ass exposed to that! So glad he got over his fear of going when its cold! haha
Hes quite an oddity in the morning, much like us, he wakes every morning and stretches, he yawns, rubs himself like a cat on my legs to say goodmorning, then flips on his back for a good belly rub. Once i am finished, he then rights himself, only to rub his little paws on his eyes (again very cat like) getting the sleepies out of his eyes and licking his paws clean. When we first adopted him we thought he had fleas or something because sometimes he also dries his face on the carpet after ridding himself of his sleepys...
Animals are funny, great to bring some hilarity to our lives. I cant tell you how many times Drew and I have laughed ourselves silly at the expense of the dog doing his usual dog stuff! love my Emmittainment!
Anyway, funny dog this morning. So he hasnt seen snow since we were last in MA, so he might associate the snow with driving in the car 8 hrs on drugs...But this morning we got a very light dusting, must hav been about 5 am. It was so cold, however, that the snow didnt stick and was that powdery stuff that swirls in the wind. So Emmitt sniffed, and the snow moved, and he jumped....His fur went up, and he kept looking back at me (usually first thing in the morning I just let him out the front door and he does his doggie business) I watch from the doorway. He just didnt want to go this morning, and I could tell he NEEDED to go! haha
Finally after much licking, jumping, and turning circles he eliminated. Phew. Poor guy, I mean its 11 out with the one wants their ass exposed to that! So glad he got over his fear of going when its cold! haha
Hes quite an oddity in the morning, much like us, he wakes every morning and stretches, he yawns, rubs himself like a cat on my legs to say goodmorning, then flips on his back for a good belly rub. Once i am finished, he then rights himself, only to rub his little paws on his eyes (again very cat like) getting the sleepies out of his eyes and licking his paws clean. When we first adopted him we thought he had fleas or something because sometimes he also dries his face on the carpet after ridding himself of his sleepys...
Animals are funny, great to bring some hilarity to our lives. I cant tell you how many times Drew and I have laughed ourselves silly at the expense of the dog doing his usual dog stuff! love my Emmittainment!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Baby its cold, outside...
Brr, well that was a brisk run if i do say so myself! I get the most bizarre looks when I am out there in the mornings. I just think to myself "hey I could be at home where its like 7 isnt too bad. Some guy at the gym (where i go to warm up and stretch afterwards) made some comment that I must not be from around here since I didn't look too cold. I wanted to tell him that if you moved your ass fast enough and dress appropriately for the weather, it really wasnt that bad to exercise in. Not that I would advocate just going outside in a tshirt and just hanging out on ur porch or anything.
I actually was hot by the time I got back from my run...
Walking the dog, well thats another story. We keep our pace up pretty quick, hes not a walker, hes more of a trotter or a I wasnt totally frozen, but was no Arizona! hehe
Yesterday the doggie got himself back into that disguesting dead animal again! Man I dunno what it is about that. Hes so great off the leash now (as long as we are away from lots of people and traffic) We were out in the woods playing fetch, having a great time...I let him roam into the woods and call him back when I start feeling like hes too far off, or catching a anyway I saw him getting all excited about something...lo and behold he had found some nasty dead deer he was rolling himself in...ugh! He was covered in just black decay, and so proud of himself....until he remembered that we humans dont like that smell....i was so tempted to toss him in the stream nearby, but knew it was too cold for that!
We basically ran (one of us with our tails between our legs) home and had a nice bath. Unfortnately he still kinda stinks...tho he has been behaving ever so well yesterday and today..haha!
I guess thats one of the pitfalls of dogownershit....hahah i mean ship! Happy tail wagging :)
I actually was hot by the time I got back from my run...
Walking the dog, well thats another story. We keep our pace up pretty quick, hes not a walker, hes more of a trotter or a I wasnt totally frozen, but was no Arizona! hehe
Yesterday the doggie got himself back into that disguesting dead animal again! Man I dunno what it is about that. Hes so great off the leash now (as long as we are away from lots of people and traffic) We were out in the woods playing fetch, having a great time...I let him roam into the woods and call him back when I start feeling like hes too far off, or catching a anyway I saw him getting all excited about something...lo and behold he had found some nasty dead deer he was rolling himself in...ugh! He was covered in just black decay, and so proud of himself....until he remembered that we humans dont like that smell....i was so tempted to toss him in the stream nearby, but knew it was too cold for that!
We basically ran (one of us with our tails between our legs) home and had a nice bath. Unfortnately he still kinda stinks...tho he has been behaving ever so well yesterday and today..haha!
I guess thats one of the pitfalls of dogownershit....hahah i mean ship! Happy tail wagging :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Running update
Well I know January isn't the time of year to resolve myself to get back into distance running, but oh well. I have to say I have been feeling SOOOO much better than I have in the last almost 3 months since I stopped going on long runs. Ahh so so good.
So it lets me get back to thinking, organizing my brain, and being able to be in a good mood to entertain Drew and try to keep him happy.
I have noticed the last hmm I dunno few months even since we didn't get to move to NC and change jobs hes been in a particularly foul mood. He HATES his work so much. Its not even that he doesnt like the mundane day to day crap. He has a shitty boss who is nasty and just dismissive of him, he is too nice to say no to helping people...and since everyone knows that he gets piles of other peoples shit dumped on him...without even a thanks. He always tries to do things for people, get gifts for new moms, cards for bdays, take people out, I made everyone cookies for christmas; that sort of thing. And then yesterday, he didnt even get so much as the typical bday gathering. He got a cookie...that was it...Poor bebs!
It was such a let down almost having that new job, almost having a house, almost being able to start a family and start a real life....just to have it all dashed by one little phone call saying he didnt get chosen for the job.
Neither of us are happy here, its like we are just waiting for death to come take us at this point. Well maybe thats a wee bit dramatic, but we havent been doing much but sleep eat work run errands...We both feel so so trapped, no way to get out of this HELL hole of a state!
We discussed having a family at dinner the other night...basically if we dont get out of Maryland, we have decided we will never have children. Its just not right to have them in a place where they will get beaten by the other 6 yr olds, or raped, or stabbed, and maybe not even learn to read by the time they are 15...unless we shell out that 20K a year just to get them into private kindergarten! Looks like its just gonna be me Drew and the long kids! BOO!
Does anyone have any contacts down in Chapel Hill...looking for an art teacher and a computer database worker with his MBA!?
So it lets me get back to thinking, organizing my brain, and being able to be in a good mood to entertain Drew and try to keep him happy.
I have noticed the last hmm I dunno few months even since we didn't get to move to NC and change jobs hes been in a particularly foul mood. He HATES his work so much. Its not even that he doesnt like the mundane day to day crap. He has a shitty boss who is nasty and just dismissive of him, he is too nice to say no to helping people...and since everyone knows that he gets piles of other peoples shit dumped on him...without even a thanks. He always tries to do things for people, get gifts for new moms, cards for bdays, take people out, I made everyone cookies for christmas; that sort of thing. And then yesterday, he didnt even get so much as the typical bday gathering. He got a cookie...that was it...Poor bebs!
It was such a let down almost having that new job, almost having a house, almost being able to start a family and start a real life....just to have it all dashed by one little phone call saying he didnt get chosen for the job.
Neither of us are happy here, its like we are just waiting for death to come take us at this point. Well maybe thats a wee bit dramatic, but we havent been doing much but sleep eat work run errands...We both feel so so trapped, no way to get out of this HELL hole of a state!
We discussed having a family at dinner the other night...basically if we dont get out of Maryland, we have decided we will never have children. Its just not right to have them in a place where they will get beaten by the other 6 yr olds, or raped, or stabbed, and maybe not even learn to read by the time they are 15...unless we shell out that 20K a year just to get them into private kindergarten! Looks like its just gonna be me Drew and the long kids! BOO!
Does anyone have any contacts down in Chapel Hill...looking for an art teacher and a computer database worker with his MBA!?
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Day 1 of "back to running"
So it figures, I woke up today with a resolve to get up and RUN...until I got out of bed and the CRAMPS struck! UGH how I hate being a girl sometimes! So i got my ass in gear, got the dog out, fed him etc and went out to run. Brr as im settling into a long run, while trying to ignore my aching ovaries...I see it, the darkest snow laden cloud on the horizon.... Growing up in New England you learn types of snow clouds by color. This one was dark and coming fast, which meant high winds and horizontal snow. Just my luck. Fortunately it was a very fast, relatively small cloud. By the end of my run, the sun came out, the clouds blew away, and it was "nice out" I use the quotes because its still below freezing, so with all things being even and its the winter...sunny and 30 is "nice"
Now to get back out there and walk the dog.
Feels good to be getting back into running again! :)
Now to get back out there and walk the dog.
Feels good to be getting back into running again! :)
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
forgotten blogging...
Ok, so I signed onto my blog and was looking at the original description of what this is about. Said something to the effect of "a blog about running, and my life in general..." so where has the running part gone? Ugh, now I know I have been slacking with the running (the unsightly slowly forming tire around my middle will attest to that) but actually seeing that I have not blogged about a run in so long makes me cringe!
With all this moving crap going on, Drew and I aren't doing our usual Arizona race...(so so sooo sad) So I have really been letting myself go this winter. Usually I strap on my shoes and millions of layers to tackle whatever winter weather mother nature throws at me, but this year I have been wimping out! The hearty new englander in me is ashamed....
I think for the first time EVER this year my resolution will have to be to get back into running again. To really enjoy it like I used to. Man this is something I never thought I would hear myself saying!? What is wrong with me?! And here I thought I was a true runner, oh well, guess everyone falls of the wagon at some time or another......hey at least running to try to jump back on it will help me reach my goal....hehe!
With all this moving crap going on, Drew and I aren't doing our usual Arizona race...(so so sooo sad) So I have really been letting myself go this winter. Usually I strap on my shoes and millions of layers to tackle whatever winter weather mother nature throws at me, but this year I have been wimping out! The hearty new englander in me is ashamed....
I think for the first time EVER this year my resolution will have to be to get back into running again. To really enjoy it like I used to. Man this is something I never thought I would hear myself saying!? What is wrong with me?! And here I thought I was a true runner, oh well, guess everyone falls of the wagon at some time or another......hey at least running to try to jump back on it will help me reach my goal....hehe!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Move over Emmitt...

Silly little doggie...he makes for such great entertainment. SO stubborn, so hopeful, especially when it comes to food.
Drew has been talking about writing a cartoon about Emmitt. Just for fun. We'll see how that goes.
Next week he will no longer be the center of attention, I will have several 3 yr olds running around the house for "art" (aka give mummy a break for a few hrs) classes.
Should be fun, should be interesting for this little pup.....
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