Monday, January 26, 2009

The Music of my Life

So I can't remember what Drew and I were talking about, but somehow we got into a conversation about music...Oh wait, just remembered how we got into that conversation...anyway, this is a PG how we got there isn't important. I realize I am plugged into music at all times.
As long as I can remember I loved music. I begged my parents at age 10 to get me my own stereo. When I finally was allowed to have one, I put all my saved money into it...My dad said he would match whatever amount I could spare. Now I'm a saver with a capitol "S" I got a good system. I listened on the bus on the way to school, at home doing homework, bus rides to soccer and track, walking to and from college classes, (in some classes as well)...always painting and drawing, and not only listening to music while I did that, but also illustrated things I saw in my mind when I listened to a particular song. Basically I guess I would say that the only time I don't have music on somewhere when I am sleeping, I will even listen sometimes while watching tv, (I know...weird)
heck, I even listen to music in the shower :)
As I sit here, I am listing to my Ipod touch....currently Peter Gabriel's "games without frontiers"
My musical taste has changed, but really only to add more, I listened to this song wayyy back when it came out when I was in middle school.
Its interesting, most people like music...gotta jam to something while working out, or sitting in traffic...but I have discovered not everyone could listen to music all day long no matter what they are doing. My sister Eryn shares this obsession of music with me...Many of my art school friends as well...not Drew, he needs quiet sometimes...not my mom or dad, or Grace, same thing for them...
It makes me wonder if its at all creative/art related or just some people do....?
My parents even bought Eryn and I water proof radios for the shower so we dont electrocute ourselves when we listen.
It kills me not to listen to music...and not just any type of music, I have to have the right type of music for each mood or activity.
Quiet for when I get tired, I can listen to Bach or some other classical music....NIN for my really pissed off moods...techno or dance for my runs or when I paint....sad or angry music when I am upset...
Does everyone else have an immediate association with each song they hear? Every song I hear evokes emotions from every and any time of my life.
Some makes me think of when I was 2 at my dads races....mostly phil collins and the Police...
Some of my grandfather, usually Nat King Cole or Frank Sinatra. I can close my eyes and smell him...aftershave with coffee and cigaretts...hear his booming voice, see their old house, and remember how I used to feel...

Is this the same for everyone?

1 comment:

hilarmy said...

haha whaaaat?!! im racking my brain thinking how you got into that convo. haha