Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Running update

Well I know January isn't the time of year to resolve myself to get back into distance running, but oh well. I have to say I have been feeling SOOOO much better than I have in the last almost 3 months since I stopped going on long runs. Ahh so so good.
So it lets me get back to thinking, organizing my brain, and being able to be in a good mood to entertain Drew and try to keep him happy.
I have noticed the last hmm I dunno few months even since we didn't get to move to NC and change jobs hes been in a particularly foul mood. He HATES his work so much. Its not even that he doesnt like the mundane day to day crap. He has a shitty boss who is nasty and just dismissive of him, he is too nice to say no to helping people...and since everyone knows that he gets piles of other peoples shit dumped on him...without even a thanks. He always tries to do things for people, get gifts for new moms, cards for bdays, take people out, I made everyone cookies for christmas; that sort of thing. And then yesterday, he didnt even get so much as the typical bday gathering. He got a cookie...that was it...Poor bebs!
It was such a let down almost having that new job, almost having a house, almost being able to start a family and start a real life....just to have it all dashed by one little phone call saying he didnt get chosen for the job.
Neither of us are happy here, its like we are just waiting for death to come take us at this point. Well maybe thats a wee bit dramatic, but we havent been doing much but sleep eat work run errands...We both feel so so trapped, no way to get out of this HELL hole of a state!
We discussed having a family at dinner the other night...basically if we dont get out of Maryland, we have decided we will never have children. Its just not right to have them in a place where they will get beaten by the other 6 yr olds, or raped, or stabbed, and maybe not even learn to read by the time they are 15...unless we shell out that 20K a year just to get them into private kindergarten! Looks like its just gonna be me Drew and the dog...so long kids! BOO!

Does anyone have any contacts down in Chapel Hill...looking for an art teacher and a computer database worker with his MBA!?

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