Funny thing about dogs, they always look so expressive. You can't see it, but his paws are right near the heater, so when he puts his head down his nose will be down the vent..haha
He's not too impressed with the ice outside. Though he has a very good friend now, Ellie. They take walks at night, and play in the afternoons. He saw her this morning when he was going out to do his "thing." Usually he just goes and then wants to come right back in for breakfast! Not today though! He's really good, I let him off the leash now with out worries at the park up the street, he doesnt get too far from me. However, this morning, he was half way up the street, well on his way up to give Ellie a good morning hello sniff...haha! Good thing food always wins over his attention! Ahh to be as simple as a dog, the mere though of food makes his mouth water....literally. Yesterday I was out shoveling Drew's car a bit before I came in to give him breakfast. He had psyched himself up so much for food that when i walked in the door, he lifted his head, and drolled big slobbery lines of spit all over the floor (hes not a drooly dog, I had actually never seen this happen before) Now we play "hide and seek" with his afternoon snacks. He drools for that. He sits and waits in the kitchen while I hide Emmitt food all over the house. Then I say "find your treats" and hes off nose to the floor!
Its just some more Emmittainment!
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