Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Ray of light in a Place of Darkness

So, after 5 years of rude people, no eye contact, or eye rolling, ignoring me, or only talking to us if something is needed...something so out of the ordinary happened...I think I reacted wrong. I was sitting on the couch last night, having my tea before my shower, thinking about how damn cold it is, and would home depot have more insulation tape so we can insulate more of our doors and windows that are oh so drafty...when knock knock knock...
What? did I hear that right...oh crap, what are we doing wrong now...The last time someone knocked it was to complain that the "for rent" sign was still up in front of our place. Emmitt was OUT he never heard the knock, so i tentatively opened the door...and there were our 4 neighbors. Erin, David, and their 2 young boys (prob under 5 each) The older of the two boys proudly held out some oatmeal raisin walnut cookies they had baked and proclaimed, "welcome to the neighborhood" I was flabbergasted! Did not expect that! I had briefly met them outside one morning letting Emmitt out, and exchanged hellos with Erin.
I asked the boy if he had made them himself, and he said "yes'! "well my mom helped too.." how cute.
Finally Emmitt awoke and decided to come and be the "mean gaurd dog " he is...hahaha he barked, and I had to close the door. I hope I see them again, what a thoughtful thing to the cookies were YUMMY!!

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